Stuff you probably don't know...

I think everybody have a "random" things in their self.
Well, it's crishtmas and it's holiday for me and for everyone so, I thought this is the best time to tell u about my random things. So here are some random things about me that most people don't know:

  1. I love jazz. Most people in my ages love pop, rock, or r&b music. Well, I do like them but the most music I love is jazz. That music makes me feel elegant, relaxed, and romantic.
  2. I really hate cockroach. They smell really bad and stink! They even like zombie because if you cut their head, they still can move!! and they love to fly around and make you scared! if I want they dead, I just make their body to be reversed. They can't move, and by the day they dead.
  3. I am frugal woman. I love saving! I hate wasting my money to things that I don't need it, even if it SALE and it become trends at this era, if I don't like it I don't want to buy it.
  4. I'm obsessed in design, art, make-up, and fashion. I love that world. That world makes me feel how amazing and wonderful my life.
  5. I'm Absent-minded. When I have attention to some stuff that I've been looking and thinking in my head, I don't know what my friend talking about while he/she talking to me.
  6. I am Dreamer. I love dreaming something I want to have, like : hubby, marriage, money/job, and fashion. Actually I have imaginary friends. His name is Achbar. I drawed him and he looked like this :
Pretty handsome, isn't it?
He loves give me hug and kisses.
When I'm alone, he really helps me to erase my tears,
backing my mood, and makes me realize how wonderful life I have.
I know if someone have imaginary friends it sound crazy and freak. When you happy about the things you dream and it sounds perfect, then it feel mortal deeply in my heart when you realize it just a dream.
But what's wrong about it? Everybody have a dream. We dream, we work as hard as we can do, and the rest of all, just give it to God. I have Allah and I have faith that my dream finally become truth.
7.) Aku jualan pulsa. Karna ortu sudah pensiun jadi kalo mau nyari uang jajan ya dari untung jualan pulsa.
Sudah lama aku menekuni usaha ini (dari kelas 1 SMA, sekitar 4 tahun yang lalu) jadi aku sudah mengalami suka duka berjualan pulsa. xD
8.) I'm spoiled. Aku ini manja, sama mama and my cats. Tiap hari aku harus ketemu mama sama kucing-kucingku ini, kalo gak aku stress, BT, BORING!! >,,<

9.) Dislike depending on people. Meskipun aku ini manja, aku gak suka bergantung pada orang.
Jika ada sesuatu yg bisa kukerjakan sendiri ketimbang nunggu orang lain, aku lebih baik mengerjakan sendiri, well of course, why not ?
10.) I can be super sociable and quiet person in qurrent times. Sebenarnya aku ini orangnya gak suka ngomong. Sepanjang hari aku cuma berbicara seperlunya saja kalo sama temen. Tapi di saat tertentu ketika sedang party bawaanku jadi super sociable.
11.) I am UNPATIENT. Aku ini orangnya suka gak sabaran. Apa-apa ingin cepat selesai, baik dalam tugas, hal" sepele, masalah, dalam kehidupanku. Teman-temanku suka bilang aku ini SANGAR, Grasak-grusuk.
12.) I Love try a new things in my life. Aku suka mengadakan percobaan dalam dunia make-up, seni menggambar, hal" yang berbau adrenalin : bungee jumping, roller coster (damn, I don't have money to try them), atau hal" yang belum pernah kucoba, seperti : lipstick, yah begitulah asal jgn coba buat bunuh diri aja ya xD.
13.) I'm Karateka Girl. I love that sports until I die. Jika ada 2 cowok yang tampang, materi, & hatinya cakep dan  ngelamar aku, yang 1 gak bisa karate and yg satunya lagi bisa karate, of course aku pilih yg bisa Karate. Because, he will understand my desire and can protect me from a bad guy. Kyaaa ... >,,,<
14.) I love cats. But I hate when I have to take care their pub.
15.) I'd prefer choose Android phone than BlackBerry. Android Hp itu bisa nyoba macem-macem. Games, applikasi aneh-aneh dan lucu. Modelnya juga canggih and efisien ketimbang BB. Jelek. Gak ada seninya sama sekali. Yah because BB itu hp buat bisnis sedang aku belum punya bisnis yang menjanjikan dan pulsanya mahal buat BBM. Buang-buang uang saja buat mahasiswi kere sepertiku.

Well, I think that's all  about me.
what about you,guys ?
do u have random things on your personality? :)


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